web services - write web serice for android with C# -

i want write web service c# call android app

in web service wrote helloworld() method calles , convertdatatabletojsonstring converted data json downloaded converting fonction internet , probleim convertdatatabletojsonstring function it's return me thing like

"[{\"proid\":1,\"procname\":\"لبنیات\"},{\"proid\":2,\"procname\":\"لوازم بهداشتی\"},{\"proid\":3,\"procname\":\"لوازم آرایشی\"},{\"proid\":4,\"procname\":\"خشکبار\"},{\"proid\":5,\"procname\":\"نوشیدنی ها\"},{\"proid\":6,\"procname\":\"سبزیجات\"},{\"proid\":7,\"procname\":\"فرآورده های گوشتی\"}]" 

the json format return not recognizable android app dont need '/' befor , after items . body can me find fanction change data table json format use in android app , thank : )

[webmethod] [scriptmethod(usehttpget = true, responseformat = responseformat.json)] public void helloworld() {     javascriptserializer js = new javascriptserializer();     context.response.clear();     context.response.contenttype = "application/json";     helloworlddata data = new helloworlddata();     data.message = convertdatatabletojsonstring(db.select("select * procategory ",commandtype.text));     context.response.write(js.serialize(data.message)); }  public string convertdatatabletojsonstring(datatable datatable) {     system.web.script.serialization.javascriptserializer serializer =            new system.web.script.serialization.javascriptserializer();      list<dictionary<string, object>> tablerows = new list<dictionary<string, object>>();      dictionary<string, object> row;      foreach (datarow dr in datatable.rows)     {         row = new dictionary<string, object>();         foreach (datacolumn col in datatable.columns)         {             row.add(col.columnname, dr[col]);         }         tablerows.add(row);     }     return serializer.serialize(tablerows); }   


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