django - REST REQUEST not returning correct response -

i'm new rest , have been working on using requests (python), django, , django rest framework. trying make request returns objects "priority" (int field) value of 4. problem query doesn't seem working , request returning project objects. structure looks correct , i'm able change pages using exact same syntax i'm not sure i'm doing wrong. here think you'd need, awesome. thanks!

generated url ={

local = 'http://localhost/' base = ''   def sign_in(current_user, username, password):         response = current_user.get(base + 'api-auth/login/', auth=(username, password))         print response         print response.url         print response.reason  # of intentionally generic , little rough (the way session being passed) def find_priority(current_user, username, password):     find_projects = {"priority": "4"}     response = current_user.get(base + 'projects', params=find_projects,  auth=(username, password))     print response     print response.url     print response.text 

} {

import requests  import restconnect   current_user = requests.session()  restconnect.sign_in(current_user, 'user', 'password') restconnect.find_priority(current_user, 'user', 'password') 

} {

from rest_framework import serializers, viewsets import django_filters  . models import project   class projectfilter(django_filters.filterset):     class meta:         model = project         fields = ['name', 'status', 'priority']   class projectserializer(serializers.hyperlinkedmodelserializer):     class meta:         model = project   class projectviewset(viewsets.modelviewset):     queryset = project.objects.all()     serializer_class = projectserializer     filter_class = projectfilter 



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