Loadrunner controller issue -

i'm trying performance testing on silverlight application.

below transaction: login, launch/login silverlight application(no credentials required), enter transaction, silverlight exit, application logout. (i first need loginto web application access silverlight , silverlight doesn't require userid or pwd)

i've recorded script in vugen , played it, working fine.

when use controller 30 users having 5 iteration each, observed 2-5 silverlight launch/login getting failed (only silverlight have issue).

here error messages:

continuing after error -27794: failed connect server "xx.xxx.xx.xxx:80": [10060] connection timed out continuing after error -27725: step download timeout (999 seconds) has expired when downloading resource(s). set "step timeout caused resources warning" run-time setting yes/no have message warning/error, respectively   [issued @ action.c(522)]c 

my question: why happening 1 or 2 login? example: userid 10 has 5 iteration, 4 of them passed 1 failed, userid 15 , on....

and error not consistent specific user id? why it?

note: have recorded script using silverlight protocol.

"connection timed out" means it's server capability or network level issue. cay try take pcap log check it.


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