java - Camel ProducerTemplate not injected with annotation config -

first of all, know there similar questions (camel producertemplate not injected in spring mvc , initializing camel spring annotation config) don't in case.

i have bean sends messages producertemplate:

public class simpleproducer {     @produce(uri = "activemq:queue:simple")    private producertemplate activemqproducer;     public void send(string message) {       activemqproducer.sendbody(message);    } } 

when use annotation driven configuration below, trhows npe send method (activemqproducer not injected):

@configuration public class annotationconfigapp {    public static void main(string[] args) {       applicationcontext context = new annotationconfigapplicationcontext(annotationconfigapp.class);       simpleproducer simpleproducer = context.getbean(simpleproducer.class);       simpleproducer.send("hello world!");    }     @autowired    private applicationcontext ctx;     @bean    public simpleproducer simpleproducer() {       return new simpleproducer();    }     @bean    public camelcontext camelcontext() throws exception {       camelcontext camelcontext = new springcamelcontext(ctx);       camelcontext.start();       return camelcontext;    } } 

while using equivalent (at least believe so) xml configuration, sucessfully sends message activemq:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <beans xmlns=""        xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:spring=""        xsi:schemalocation="">        <bean id="simpleproducer" class=""/>        <spring:camelcontext xmlns="" id="simple.sender" /> </beans> 

initialized this:

public class xmlconfigapp {    public static void main(string[] args) {       applicationcontext context = new genericxmlapplicationcontext("context.xml");       simpleproducer simpleproducer = context.getbean(simpleproducer.class);       simpleproducer.send("hello world!");    } } 

i've been playing camelcontext implementation bit, tried defaultcamelcontext or springcamelcontextfactory - no luck.

the problematic code available in github

<properties>     <camel.version>2.15.2</camel.version>     <activemq.version>5.10.0</activemq.version>     <java.version>1.8</java.version> </properties> 

what did miss in annotation configuration?

you should extend org.apache.camel.spring.javaconfig.camelconfiguration in annotationconfigapp class


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