string - TypeError: Type str doesn't support the buffer API -
there's python script (found here) i'm using show laptop's battery percentage part of $prompt
. works charm python
(aka version 2). doesn't work python3
. problem because using pyenv , pyenv-virtualenv work on projects , python
command points 3+ version. produces these errors in terminal when battery script evaluated:
traceback (most recent call last): file "/usr/local/bin/", line 9, in <module> o_max = [l l in output.splitlines() if 'maxcapacity' in l][0] file "/usr/local/bin/", line 9, in <listcomp> o_max = [l l in output.splitlines() if 'maxcapacity' in l][0] typeerror: type str doesn't support buffer api
here file, it's pretty short if can identify going on.
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 import math, subprocess p = subprocess.popen(["ioreg", "-rc", "applesmartbattery"], stdout=subprocess.pipe) output = p.communicate()[0] o_max = [l l in output.splitlines() if 'maxcapacity' in l][0] o_cur = [l l in output.splitlines() if 'currentcapacity' in l][0] b_max = float(o_max.rpartition('=')[-1].strip()) b_cur = float(o_cur.rpartition('=')[-1].strip()) charge = b_cur / b_max charge_threshold = int(math.ceil(10 * charge)) # output total_slots, slots = 10, [] filled = int(math.ceil(charge_threshold * (total_slots / 10.0))) * u'▸' empty = (total_slots - len(filled)) * u'▹' out = (filled + empty).encode('utf-8') import sys color_green = '%{[32m%}' color_yellow = '%{[1;33m%}' color_red = '%{[31m%}' color_reset = '%{[00m%}' color_out = ( color_green if len(filled) > 6 else color_yellow if len(filled) > 3 else color_red ) out = color_out + out + color_reset sys.stdout.write(out)
obviously, python3
choking on in list comprehension, yet can't figure out what.
according shell, returned output.splitlines() before program crashes:
[b'+-o applesmartbattery <class applesmartbattery, id 0x1000001dc, registered, matched, active, busy 0 (1 ms), retain 6>', b' {', b' "externalconnected" = yes', b' "timeremaining" = 0', b' "instanttimetoempty" = 65535', b' "externalchargecapable" = yes', b' "fullpathupdated" = 1431620425', b' "cellvoltage" = (4148,4147,4147,0)', b' "voltage" = 12442', b' "batteryinvalidwakeseconds" = 30', b' "adapterinfo" = 0', b' "maxcapacity" = 5886', b' "permanentfailurestatus" = 0', b' "manufacturer" = "smp"', b' "location" = 0', b' "currentcapacity" = 5727', b' "legacybatteryinfo" = {"amperage"=0,"flags"=5,"capacity"=5886,"current"=5727,"voltage"=12442,"cycle count"=539}', b' "firmwareserialnumber" = 27251', b' "batteryinstalled" = yes', b' "packreserve" = 200', b' "cyclecount" = 539', b' "designcapacity" = 6900', b' "operationstatus" = 58435', b' "manufacturedate" = 15675', b' "avgtimetofull" = 65535', b' "batteryserialnumber" = "w0040p2abbwza"', b' "bootpathupdated" = 1430956311', b' "postdischargewaitseconds" = 120', b' "temperature" = 3036', b' "uservisiblepathupdated" = 1431620485', b' "instantamperage" = 0', b' "manufacturerdata" = <000000000201000a01580000034b3138033030410341544c00130000>', b' "maxerr" = 1', b' "fullycharged" = yes', b' "devicename" = "bq20z451"', b' "iogeneralinterest" = "iocommand not serializable"', b' "amperage" = 0', b' "ischarging" = no', b' "designcyclecount9c" = 1000', b' "postchargewaitseconds" = 120', b' "avgtimetoempty" = 65535', b' }', b' ', b'']
i have tried other pages here have same error , fixes suggested not work me.
namely, bytes(l, 'utf-8')
, l.encode('utf-8')
not work. please advise.
quite simply, prepend strings in optional predicate of list comprehension b
encode them bytes
instead of strings. such, lines 9 , 10 become:
o_max = [l l in output.splitlines() if b'maxcapacity' in l][0] o_cur = [l l in output.splitlines() if b'currentcapacity' in l][0]
although correctly realized there issue list comprehension, wasn't able figure out what; answer shamefully hiding in plain sight. kept trying convert being stored in l
instead of paying attention string in code. leaving here in hopes of helping others.
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