java - how to move multi-module projects to maven -

we attempting move several multi-module applications maven, , having problems.

each module stored independently in cvs. have manifest files each application, list modules required application (and optionally version). not modules in maven form.

so application 'customer_care' has following manifest:

 <manifest>  <module id="my_api"/>  <module id="custcare_webapp"/>  </manifest> 

similarly, application 'core batch' has manifest this:

 <manifest>  <module id="my_api"/>  <module id="core"/>  <module id="batch"/><!--nb non-maven module -->  </manifest> 

i have started 'mavenising' our code, my_api project has pom.xml dependencies defined, including 1 on internal code module 'central_config'. have specified version release.

the problem

this works fine, until need create frozen manifest. can specify version each module:

 <manifest>  <module id="my_api" version="0.123.0"/>  <module id="core" version="0.456.0"/>  <module id="batch" version="0.789.0"/><!--nb non-maven module -->  </manifest> 

but build not reproducible, because version of 'centralconfig' dependency in my_api 'release'. if releases new version of 'centralconfig', next time build frozen manifest, it's different.

so why don't use hard-coded versions of dependencies central-config? because then, have update perhaps 10 or 20 pom files every time updates centralconfig new version. depends on central config, , depends on that, need pom.xml updating , re-released. not lots of work, don't know how programmatically , reliably identify every module declares dependency on central config.

a possible solution?

could define 'centralconfig.version' in 1 place, , refer in modules? if so, should this? don't know parent poms feel might provide solution.


it seems using parent pom way go. according question: can maven projects have multiple parents? , it's not possible maven child project have multiple parents.

so how can my_api module child of both custcare_webapp , core_batch?


i've concluded maven doesn't meet requirements, , we've gone using our 12-year old home-grown solution build using ant , cvs.

one other option better parent-structure managing versions import dependencies.

to illustrate how works create 1 project contain pom specifying versions use modules:

<project>  <modelversion>4.0.0</modelversion>  <groupid>test</groupid>  <artifactid>module-versions</artifactid>  <packaging>pom</packaging>  <version>1.0</version>  <dependencymanagement>    <dependencies>      <dependency>        <groupid>test</groupid>        <artifactid>a</artifactid>        <version>1.1</version>      </dependency>      <dependency>        <groupid>foo</groupid>        <artifactid>bar</artifactid>        <version>2</version>      </dependency>    </dependencies>  </dependencymanagement> </project> 

then, in projects need have dependencies anyhing have hard coded versions import project in following manner:

  <dependencymanagement>     <dependencies>       <dependency>         <groupid>test</groupid>         <artifactid>module-versions</artifactid>         <version>1.0</version>         <type>pom</type>         <scope>import</scope>       </dependency>     </dependencies>   </dependencymanagement> 

this way have change module-versions project anytime release new version of have dependency to.

this way can have multiple "module-versions"-projects split things bit.

of course, still have problem project's want use new version must released in turn, cost of using released dependencies in maven.


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