Rescuing third party REST API exception in Rails -

i connecting docusign via rest api. currently, i'm rescuing exceptions understand not idea. rescue exceptions thrown api. when receive exception api right displays following in console:

{"errorcode"=>"user_authentication_failed", "message"=>"one or both of username , password invalid."} 

the formatting of errors is:

(errordetails.errorcode) , associated messages (errordetails.message) 

how can rescue individual exceptions response they're sending me? current code is:

def show    begin     client =     [other api actions]   rescue [rescue user_authentication_failed here]     [log exception here]   rescue => e     [log exception here]   end  end 

you can provide multiple exception classes rescue:

begin    client =   # stuff rescue docusigncrazyerror, docusignbreakingerror, docusignanothererror => error   # log exception end 


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