java - Selenium and Junit, create a runnable jar for test the connection on a website -

i want make runnable jar test connection on website. pass parameters "$java -jar myjar.jar" shell command, parameters pseudo , pass want test.

so, have junit sample class entirely generated via selenium (plugin firefox)

import java.util.regex.pattern; import java.util.concurrent.timeunit; import org.junit.*; import static org.junit.assert.*; import static org.hamcrest.corematchers.*; import org.openqa.selenium.*; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.firefoxdriver; import;  public class checklog {     private webdriver driver;     private string baseurl;     private boolean acceptnextalert = true;     private stringbuffer verificationerrors = new stringbuffer();      @before     public void setup() throws exception {         driver = new firefoxdriver();         baseurl = "";         driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(30, timeunit.seconds);     }      @test     public void testl() throws exception {         // tests                 }      @after     public void teardown() throws exception {         driver.quit();         string verificationerrorstring = verificationerrors.tostring();         if (!"".equals(verificationerrorstring)) {             fail(verificationerrorstring);         }     }      private boolean iselementpresent(by by) {         try {             driver.findelement(by);             return true;         } catch (nosuchelementexception e) {             return false;         }     }      private boolean isalertpresent() {         try {             driver.switchto().alert();             return true;         } catch (noalertpresentexception e) {             return false;         }     }      private string closealertandgetitstext() {         try {             alert alert = driver.switchto().alert();             string alerttext = alert.gettext();             if (acceptnextalert) {                 alert.accept();             } else {                 alert.dismiss();             }             return alerttext;         } {             acceptnextalert = true;         }     } } 

and file

import; import java.util.scanner; import org.junit.runner.junitcore;  public class main {      /**      * @param args      */       public static void main(string[] args){           if (args.length == 0){               console console = system.console();               string pseudo = new string(console.readline("pseudo : "));               string pass = new string(console.readpassword("pass : "));           }           junitcore jcore = new junitcore(); ;       } } 

my question : how can pass parameters test class main class ? (like pseudo , pass)

~ upload ~

i :

(1) - can argument(s) shell command


(2) - can argument(s) main class (if don't pass argument shell command, jar ask argument(s) )

this post me way (1) . but, maybe there way more proper ?


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