javascript - jquery ajax file exist function not working in safari and firefox on mac -

i have script creates text file while it's running , deletes when finished. wrote following script report user when script running, console logs activity:

<!doctype html> <html> <title>news</title> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> // return feed results database $(document).ready(function() {     // ajax db refresh alert code     setinterval(ajaxcall, 10000);     function ajaxcall() {          $.ajax({             url:'',             type:'head',             error:                 function(res){                     console.log('error: '+res);                     $('#database_alert').fadeout(1000);                 },             success:                 function(res){                     console.log('success: '+res);                     $('#database_alert').fadein(1000);                     interval = window.setinterval(function() {                         $('#msg').fadeout(1000).fadein(1000);                         console.log('still going!');                     }, 2000);                 }         });      }; }); </script> <div id='database_alert' style='display: none;'><div id='msg'>feeds updating...</div></div> </body> </html> 

it works planned in mac chrome, safari , firefox don't work consistently. correctly report file not existing @ first, correctly report when file created, when file deleted continue report file there! chrome detects file being deleted , works properly. ideas?



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