jackson - Deserializing a list results in duplicates -

i have simple pojo have 1 list of strings , default get/set, have in json 2 different fields pojo , test code snippet below

  public static class testclass{     public arraylist<string> names = null;      public arraylist<string> getnames() {         if(null == names) names = new arraylist<>();         return names;     }      public void setnames(arraylist<string> names) {         this.names = names;     }      public arraylist<string> getnames_r() {         return getnames();     }      @override     public string tostring() {         return "testclass [names=" + names + "]";     }  }  @test public void testdeserializationsimple() throws jsonparseexception, jsonmappingexception, ioexception{     string justschool = "{\"names\":[\"second\",\"one\",\"two\",\"three\"],\"names_r\":[\"second\",\"one\",\"two\",\"three\"]}";      objectmapper mydefaultmapper= new objectmapper();     mydefaultmapper.setdateformat(coreutils.common_simple_date_format)     .settimezone(timezone.gettimezone("utc"))     .enable(serializationfeature.indent_output)     .configure(deserializationfeature.fail_on_unknown_properties, false);      testclass testreaddummy = mydefaultmapper.readvalue(justschool, testclass.class);     system.out.println(" mapper test read = "+testreaddummy);     //assertequals(testread.getliststring().size(),4);     system.out.println("list = "+testreaddummy);     assertequals(testreaddummy.names.size(), 4); } 

try using @jsonignore annotation in duplicate of list doesn't serialized, like:

@jsonignore     public arraylist<string> getnames_r() {     return getnames(); } 

that should rid of duplicate field in serialized json.

hope helps,

jose luis


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