gpuimage - GPUImageMovieWriter - black frame caused by audioEncodingTarget -

i'm trying record video using gpuimage library. recorded clip ends black frame. know caused audioencodingtarget expensive operation. has been discussed lot, still don't find solution. here code:

gpucamerarecorder class init

    videocamera = gpuimagevideocamera(sessionpreset: avcapturesessionpresetiframe960x540, cameraposition: .back)     videocamera.outputimageorientation = .landscaperight;     videocamera.horizontallymirrorfrontfacingcamera = true      filter = gpuimagefilter()     videocamera.addtarget(filter)      view = gpuimageview(frame: frame)     view.fillmode = kgpuimagefillmodepreserveaspectratioandfill      moviewriter = gpuimagemoviewriter(movieurl: output, size: view.frame.size)     moviewriter?.encodinglivevideo = true      filter?.addtarget(moviewriter!)     filter?.addtarget(view gpuimageview)      videocamera.audioencodingtarget = self.moviewriter!     videocamera.startcameracapture() 

start recording function

func startrecording(){     println("start recording.")     recording = true      dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {         var res = self.videocamera.addaudioinputsandoutputs()         println(res)          self.moviewriter!.startrecording()                 } } 

end recording function

func stoprecording(){     println("recording end.")      dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {                     self.filter?.removetarget(self.moviewriter!)         self.videocamera.audioencodingtarget = nil         self.moviewriter!.finishrecording()          self.puttorchoff()         self.delegate?.recordingend()          println("completed")     }  } 

any suggestion? have find way make work without black frames?

did try ?

inside gpuimagemoviewriter.m add code:

static bool allowwriteaudio = no;  - (void)startrecording; {   ...   allowwriteaudio = no; }  - (void)processaudiobuffer:(cmsamplebufferref)audiobuffer; {   if (!allowwriteaudio) {     return;   }   ... }  - (void)newframereadyattime:(cmtime)frametime atindex:(nsinteger)textureindex; {   ...   if (![assetwriterpixelbufferinput appendpixelbuffer:pixel_buffer withpresentationtime:frametime])     nslog(@"problem appending pixel buffer @ time: %@", cfbridgingrelease(cmtimecopydescription(kcfallocatordefault, frametime)));    allowwriteaudio = yes;   //< add   ... }


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