javascript - Better way to find object in array instead of looping? -



var test = [{     "name": "john doo" }, {     "name": "foo bar" }]  var find = 'john doo'  console.log(test.indexof(find)) // output: -1 console.log(test[find]) // output: undefined  $.each(test, function(index, object) {     if(test[index].name === find)         console.log(test[index]) // problem: way slow }) 


in above example have array objects. need find object has name = 'john doo'

my .each loop working, part executed 100 times , test contain lot more objects. think way slow.

the indexof() won't work because cannot search name in object.


how can search object name = 'john doo' in current array?

jquery $.grep (or other filtering function) not optimal solution.

the $.grep function loop through all elements of array, if searched object has been found during loop.

from jquery grep documentation :

the $.grep() method removes items array necessary remaining items pass provided test. test function passed array item , index of item within array. if test returns true item in result array.

provided array not sorted, nothing can beat this:

var getobjectbyname = function(name, array) {      // (!) cache array length in variable     (var = 0, len = test.length; < len; i++) {          if (test[i].name === name)             return test[i]; // return object found      }      return null; // searched object not found  } 


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