Android using jcodec to convert a series of images takes very long time -

i using jcodec library converting series of images video, along transitions / animation fade / flip , on...

while conversion process, use below function of sequenceencoder class each of image.

 public void encodenativeframe(picture pic) throws ioexception {         if (toencode == null) {             toencode = picture.create(pic.getwidth(), pic.getheight(), encoder.getsupportedcolorspaces()[0]);         }          // perform conversion         transform.transform(pic, toencode);          // encode image h.264 frame, result stored in '_out' buffer         _out.clear();         bytebuffer result = encoder.encodeframe(toencode, _out);          // based on frame above form correct mp4 packet         spslist.clear();         ppslist.clear();         h264utils.wipeps(result, spslist, ppslist);         h264utils.encodemovpacket(result);          // add packet video track         outtrack.addframe(new mp4packet(result, frameno * 1, (int)fps, 1, frameno, true, null, frameno * 1, 0));         frameno++;         result = null;     } 

each of frame, takes long time in process (about minute)

especially, following statement takes long time -

bytebuffer result = encoder.encodeframe(toencode, _out); 

converting series of 4 images video transition / animation takes @ least 7 minutes.

need suggestions quicken this.

for more optimal encoding of static images (when transitions / animation ended) can create 1 long frame each image. can set fps=1 , duration 1 1 second frame 1 image.

outtrack.addframe(new mp4packet(result, frameno, 1, 1, frameno, true, null, frameno, 0)); 

also should create track different timescale

muxer.addtrack(, 1); 


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