python - Why is my output disregarding every other sample and why is the frequency half of the expected value? -
i'm playing python's wave module, , have run 2 issues can't figure out.
every other sample has amplitude of 0. desired behavior have continuous sinusoidal wave.
the produced frequency seems half of desired frequency. looking @ math, can't figure why. understand how fix it. can't figure out reasoning. in mind, multiplying frequency 2π, not 4π, makes sense me.
from functools import partial, wraps math import pi, sin import struct import wave class wave: def __init__(self, frequency, amplitude=1.0, phase_shift=0.0, vertical_translation=0.0): self.frequency = frequency self.amplitude = amplitude self.phase_shift = phase_shift self.vertical_translation = vertical_translation def __call__(self, time): try: amplitude = self.amplitude(time) except typeerror: amplitude = self.amplitude try: frequency = self.frequency(time) except typeerror: frequency = self.frequency try: phase_shift = self.phase_shift(time) except typeerror: phase_shift = self.phase_shift try: vertical_translation = self.vertical_translation(time) except typeerror: vertical_translation = self.vertical_translation return amplitude * sin(2 * pi * frequency * time + phase_shift) + vertical_translation if __name__ == '__main__': sample_rate = 96000 number_of_channels = 1 sample_width = 4 max_amplitude = 2 ** (8 * sample_width - 1)'output.wav', 'w') output: output.setsampwidth(sample_width) output.setnchannels(number_of_channels) output.setframerate(sample_rate) output.setcomptype('none', 'uncompressed') a440 = wave(440) time in range(sample_rate // a440.frequency): sample = max_amplitude * a440(time / sample_rate) output.writeframes(struct.pack('l', round(sample)))
i'd appreciate insight.
i can not reproduce issue. after running code perfect sine wave of expected length (1/440hz ≈ 0.0023s) when inspecting .wav in audacity:
i have 1 note you, can't round whatever comes out of sin * max_amplitude
. have truncate towards negative infinity. because (say) 8-bit sample goes -128 127, not -128 128.
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