javascript - How do you add a counter to the Facebook share button (generated via FB.ui)? -

this how i'm generating share button:

  <a href="#" class="share-btn">share facebook</a>    <script type="text/javascript">   function fb_share() {     var fbmsg = $('.lesson_lt_share_popup').text().trim()     fb.ui( {       method: 'feed',       name: "chinese learn online | progressive mandarin course",       link: "",       picture: "",       description: fbmsg     }, function(response) {         // nothing     });   }    // add click event link using jquery   $(document).ready(function(){     $('.share-btn').on( 'click', fb_share );   }); 

but count find generating counter in official docs.

how do that?

generating counter manually pain, have read count graph api. easiest solution use official share button plugin instead of fb.ui, includes counter already:

it takes neccessary data open graph tags.

btw, feed dialog deprecated.


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