What do the numbers on the progress bar mean in spark-shell? -

in spark-shell, entries below mean when execute function ?

[stage7:===========>                              (14174 + 5) / 62500] 

what console progress bar, [stage 7: shows stage in now, , (14174 + 5) / 62500] (numcompletedtasks + numactivetasks) / totalnumoftasksinthisstage]. progress bar shows numcompletedtasks / totalnumoftasksinthisstage.

it shown when both spark.ui.showconsoleprogress true (by default) and log level in conf/log4j.properties error or warn (!log.isinfoenabled true).

let's see code in consoleprogressbar.scala shows out:

private def show(now: long, stages: seq[sparkstageinfo]) {   val width = terminalwidth / stages.size   val bar = stages.map { s =>     val total = s.numtasks()     val header = s"[stage ${s.stageid()}:"     val tailer = s"(${s.numcompletedtasks()} + ${s.numactivetasks()}) / $total]"     val w = width - header.length - tailer.length     val bar = if (w > 0) {       val percent = w * s.numcompletedtasks() / total       (0 until w).map { =>         if (i < percent) "=" else if (i == percent) ">" else " "       }.mkstring("")     } else {     ""     }     header + bar + tailer   }.mkstring("")    // refresh if it's changed of after 1 minute (or ssh connection closed   // after idle time)   if (bar != lastprogressbar || - lastupdatetime > 60 * 1000l) {     system.err.print(cr + bar)     lastupdatetime =   }   lastprogressbar = bar } 


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