php - Why does "If" runs only for the first loop of "foreach" block? -

i making website , wrote following code display patient's prescriptions , make part of count down system.

<?php     $stmt = "select *         `prescriptions`, `drugs`         prescriptions.drug =         , patient = '".$_session['username']."'";     $result = mysqli_query($mysqli,$stmt);     while ($x = mysqli_fetch_array($result))        {$pa[] = $x;}     foreach ($pa $i){        $lasttaken = strtotime($i['lasttaken']);         echo "lasttaken =".date('h:i:s', $lasttaken)."\n";        $dosage = ($i['dosage'] - 1) * 3600;        $nexttakein = date('h:i:s', $lasttaken) + date('h:i:s', $dosage) + 3600;        echo "dosage =".date('h:i:s', $dosage)."\n";        echo "next =".date('h:i:s', $nexttakein)."\n";        echo "time=".date('h:i:s', time() +3600);        $timeleft = date('h:i:s', $nexttakein) - date('h:i:s', time() + 3600);       echo "timeleft = " .date('h:i:s', $timeleft)."<br>";        printf("<tr id='x'class='t'><td id='y'>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",$i['name'],$i['dosage'], $i['doctor'], date('h:i:s d-m', $nexttakein), date('h:i:s',$timeleft));           if ($timeleft <= 0) {              $id = $i['id'];              $timeleft = time() + 3600;              $sql = "update prescriptions set prescriptions.lasttaken = current_timestamp = $id";              $stmt3 = $mysqli->prepare($sql);              $stmt3->execute();            }       }    ?> 

the thing reason enters if block first prescription every time if isn't less 0 never next.

why that? thank ^_^


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