Controlling the tubes for Queued Events in Laravel 5 -

so i've started using queued events in l5 handling logic , wondering if possible tell laravel tube use when pushing events onto beanstalkd.

i couldn't see in documentation it.

after digging through event dispatcher code.

i found if there queue method on event handler laravel pass arguments through method , let call push method manually.

so if have sendemail event handler can this:

<?php namespace app\handlers\events;  use app\events\userwascreated;  use illuminate\queue\interactswithqueue; use illuminate\contracts\queue\shouldbequeued;  class sendemail implements shouldbequeued {     use interactswithqueue;      public function __construct()     {     }      public function queue($queue, $job, $args)     {         // manually call push         $queue->push($job, $args, 'tubenamehere');         // or pushon         $queue->pushon('tubenamehere', $job, $args);     }      public function handle(userwascreated $event)     {         // handle event here     } } 


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