git flow - Git: Merge feature branch into two long-running branches or merge between long-running branches themselves? -

we have 2 long-running branches, 1.x , 2.x. 1.x deployed version release bugfixes, 2.x in works.

when bug report comes in, need apply 1.x first 2.x. use flow uses feature branches bug fix typically developed there. when it's done, need both 1.x , 2.x.

there 2 main options:

  1. merge feature branch both 1.x , 2.x
  2. merge feature branch in 1.x , then, eventually, merge 1.x 2.x

is 1 preferred on other reasons or matter of personal preference? thanks.

if bugfix-branch related bug, introduced in branch 1.x, should applied 1.x. applying 2.x may introduce hidden bug.

if bugfix-branch related bug of 1.x's , 2.x's common ancestor, apply both. recommend run possible tests on 2.x after merge. (not checking fixed feature, others.)

why apply 2.x immediately? there small chance of bug interference, when there's bug in 2.x doesn't reveal due previous bug. earlier find - better.


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