Java XML Create Fragment/Elements Without Namespace -

i trying construct xml document using org.w3c.dom.document create xml existing tool. problem having tool seems have xml namespaces in strange way. how can replicate using java api's?

<ns1:myroot xmlns:ns1="">   <ns2:bar xmlns:ns2="">     <ns2:bar_thing>abc</ns2:bar_thing>   </ns2:bar>   <ns3:data xmlns:ns3="">     <!--these not namespaced reason. if use ns3 prefix, or       use default xmls="...", tool fails load document, saying       elements have invalid values.       -->       <a>element without namespace</a>       <b>         <bi>1</bi>         <bii>2</bii>       </b>   </ns3:data> </ns1:myroot> 

i can build of document createelementns , setattributens. can't ns3:data contents correct.

trying use non-namespace createelement still left xmlns=""> on a , b elements, did using createelementns empty namespace, , non-empty namespace puts them in namespace.

the schema has bunch of declarations these below, not sure tns thing about, otherwise not seem special (although not 100% sure tool xsd , don't have access source).

<xs:schema version="1.0" targetnamespace="">   <!--bunch of xs:element such this-->   <xs:element name="data" type="tns:data" />    <!--types declared after-->   <xs:complextype name="data">     <xs:sequence>       <xs:element name="a" type="tns:adataobj" minoccurs="0"/>       <xs:element name="b" type="tns:bdataobj" minoccurs="0"/>     </xs:sequence>   </xs:complextype>    <xs:simpletype name="adataobj">     <xs:restriction base="xs:string">       <xs:pattern value="[a-za-z0-9 ]+" />     </xs:restriction>   </xs:simpletype>    <xs:complextype name="bdataobj">     <xs:sequence>       <xs:element name="bi" type="xs:string"/>       <xs:element name="bii" type="xs:string"/>     </xs:sequence>   </xs:complextype> </xs:schema> 


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