jquery - How to encode/decode UTF-8 in HTTP headers in Rails? -

i using "insert rails flash messages http headers show ajax response errors" pattern, this:


 def flash_as_header    return unless request.xhr?    [:error, :warning, :notice].each |type|     if flash[type]      response.headers["x-ajax-#{type.to_s.humanize}"] = flash[type]     end    end  end 


 $(document).ajaxcomplete(function(response, status, xhr) {     var types = ["error", "notice", "warning"];     (i = 0, l = types.length; < l; ++i) {         msg = status.getresponseheader("x-ajax-" + types[i]);         if(msg) {             break;         }     }     if(msg) {         $('.flash-error').text(msg).removeclass('is-hidden');     }  }); 

this works, running character encoding issues. flash messages contain utf-8 special characters, , destination html document utf-8.

here sample string, should appear:


this how in http response (correct: %c3%a4 ä):


and how outputs in html document:


that consistent table (http://www.i18nqa.com/debug/utf8-debug.html) says "the problem being caused utf-8 bytes being interpreted windows-1252 (or iso 8859-1) bytes."

i unsure how & fix this- in jquery function, in rails controller, or in html template?

a combination of escaping & decoding in javascript has worked:

i changed this:


to this:


the output correct.


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