c# - EF6 Many-to-Many on Non-Key Column -
i having trouble connecting many-to-many relationship in ef6 using code first, creating pass-through association beyond that.
there 3 classes: person, tag, , passing.
each person has optional bib.
each tag has optional bib, not unique.
each passing has required tagid.
i want access passings linked person getting tags same bib, getting passings associated each of tags.
i have tried using dbmodelbuilder in dbcontext class can't work properly, , ef6 seems try generate intermediate table anyways, seems unnecessary.
public class person { [key] public int personid { get; set; } ... public string bib { get; set; } public virtual icollection<tag> tags { get; set; } public virtual icollection<passing> passings } public class tag { [key] public string tagid { get; set; } public string bib { get; set; } public virtual icollection<passing> passings { get; set; } public virtual person person { get; set; } } public class passing { [key] public int passingid { get; set; } ... public string tagid { get; set; } public virtual tag tag { get; set; } }
it necessary, when have * * multiplicity table, automaticly creates table links these, elseway cannot put infinite , variable number of foraign key in 1 of table
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