java - what does this Spring JSON endpoint break in Jboss/Tomcat? -

what spring json endpoint break in jboss/tomcat ? tried add existing application , worked until started refactoring code , errors not point logical me.

here code controller , helper class keep things clean.

import; import;  import javax.annotation.nonnull;  import org.apache.commons.configuration.configurationexception; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.requestmapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.responsebody;  @controller public class propertiesdisplaycontroller {  @nonnull private final propertiesdisplayhelper propertieshelper;  /**  * @param propertieshelper  */ @nonnull @autowired public propertiesdisplaycontroller(@nonnull final propertiesdisplayhelper propertieshelper) {     super();     this.propertieshelper = propertieshelper; }   @nonnull @requestmapping("/localproperties") public @responsebody properties localproperties() throws configurationexception, ioexception {     return propertieshelper.getlocalproperties(); }  @nonnull @requestmapping("/properties") public @responsebody properties applicationproperties() throws ioexception,         configurationexception {     return propertieshelper.getapplicationproperties();  }  } 


import; import; import java.util.iterator; import; import; import java.util.treemap;  import javax.annotation.nonnull;  import org.apache.commons.configuration.configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.configurationexception; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.stringescapeutils; import org.apache.commons.lang.stringutils;  public class propertiesdisplayhelper {  /** static location of properties in sso */ private static string local_properties_location =     "";  /** static strings masking passwords , blank values */ private static string novalue = "**no value**"; /** static strings masking passwords , blank values */ private static string masked = "**masked**";   @nonnull public properties getapplicationproperties() throws configurationexception {      final properties properties = new properties();     final configuration configuration = appconfiguration.factory.getconfiguration();      // create map of properties     final iterator<?> propertykeys = configuration.getkeys();     final map<string, string> sortedproperties = new treemap<string, string>();      // loops configurations , builds properties     while (propertykeys.hasnext()) {         final string key =;         final string value = configuration.getproperty(key).tostring();         sortedproperties.put(key, value);     }     properties.putall(sortedproperties);     // output of result     formatspropertiesdata(properties);     return properties; }   @nonnull public properties getlocalproperties() throws configurationexception, ioexception {     fileinputstream fis = null;     final properties properties = new properties();     // imports file specified location     // desinated when update openam12     try {         fis = new fileinputstream(local_properties_location);         properties.load(fis);     } {         // closes file input stream         ioutils.closequietly(fis);     }     formatspropertiesdata(properties);     return properties; }  void formatspropertiesdata(@nonnull final properties properties) {     (final string key : properties.stringpropertynames()) {         string value = properties.getproperty(key);          if (stringutils.isempty(value)) {             value = novalue;         } else if (key.endswith("ssword")) {             value = masked;         } else {             value = stringescapeutils.escapehtml(value);         }         // places data k,v paired properties object         properties.put(key, value);         }     } } 

they set json display of properties in application , file logging. yet no intrusive code seems break entire application build.

here error jboss

20:33:41,559 error [] (deploymentscanner-threads - 1) jbas015870: deploy of deployment "openam.war" rolled following failure message: {"jbas014671: failed services" => {"jboss.deployment.unit.\"application.war\".structure" => "org.jboss.msc.service.startexception in service jboss.deployment.unit.\"application.war\".structure: jbas018733: failed process phase structure of deployment \"application.war\" caused by: jbas018740: failed mount deployment content caused by: (access denied)"}}

and errors tomcat

i @ lost here , think there not see.

a simple solution @ hand. missing component @component annotation on helper class.


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