r - Reproducing results from Ordistep -

relatively new r , first time posting apologies if there missing in question. i'm using vegan's ordistep function variable selection using default "both" direction method. i'm using hellinger transformed species abundance data frame response variables , 12 column independent variables data frame. seem different inclusion variables if run same code (below) multiple times. i'm assuming there pseudo number generator involved set.seed can't constrain. there way reproduce consistent results?

set.seed(2000) step.both <- ordistep(pre_met.rda, pstep=1000) 

thank you.

ordistep uses standard r rng , honours set.seed(). can't reproduce problem, same results when set seed same value before call.

current version of ordistep has no pstep argument. although have new implementation, have honoured r set.seed().


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