
Showing posts from August, 2013

mysql - Laravel Eloquent: order results by field in related table -

how order results of query field in related table? i have 2 tables, table users: id, first_name, last_name, etc table videos: id, user_id, title, etc model: video public function user() { return $this->belongsto('app\models\user'); } for example querying videos title = "video 1" , using skip & take pagination/pager. i want order list of videos users first name. $query = \app\models\video::where('title','=','video 1')->skip(0)->take(10); what best/efficient way of doing this? can't order array/collection after query pagination won't work. thanks. why don't use: $query = \app\models\video::where('title','=','video 1') ->join("users","","=","user_id") ->orderby("users.first_name")->skip(0)->take(10);

iron router - Meteor - How do I automatically redirect user to page when data changes -

i writing meteor app takes in external data machine (think iot) , displays lots of charts, graphs, etc. far good. there various pages in application (one per graph type far). data being fed in "real-time", there situation (normal) data "set" gets totally reset. i.e. data no longer valid. when happens, want redirect user "home" page regardless of (well, except home page). i hoping make "global" item, don't want overhead. noticed iron:router (that using) has ondata()method seems bit -- high overhead -- since it's 1 piece of data indicates reset. since each page rather "independent" , user can stay on page long time (the graphs auto-update underlying data changes) , i'm not sure iron:router best approach @ all. this meteor 1.0.x btw. just looking clean "proper" meteor way handle this. put check in redisplay logic of each page, think more abstracted (read: global) approach more long-term friendly (so i

sorting - How to Randomize Columns of a Text File in Linux -

i take text file , each line randomize words/columns. files contain millions of rows, efficiency important. i've tried google route, find related sorting lines randomly , not columns. for example taking simple file (i'll use numbers, words): 111 222 333 444 555 555 666 777 888 999 000 000 333 555 777 the output might following: 222 111 555 444 333 777 555 666 000 999 888 777 333 000 555 perl rescue: perl -mlist::util=shuffle -lne 'print join " ", shuffle split' < input.txt > output.txt -l appends newline after print -n process input line line split splits input line on whitespace shuffle (from list::util ) shuffles list randomly join " " creates 1 string list, putting space between members.

hsqldb - How to insert using a sequence with Liquibase -

i liquibase insert primary key being auto generated sequence defined in database. target database hsqldb. it works insert specifying value primary key <insert ...> <column name="tag_id" valuenumeric="2"/> i found (admittedly older) conversation it issue still same. suggested fix doesn't work hsqldb. looking @ the docs i've tried things <column name="tag_id" defaultvaluesequencenext="tag_id_seq" /> <column name="tag_id" defaultvaluesequencenext="tag_id_seq.nextval" /> <column name="tag_id" valuecomputed="tag_id_seq.nextval" /> <column name="tag_id" autoincrement="true" /> but none of put in key when insert (the insert fails on null primary key). how 1 accomplish this? hsqldb has setting use oracle syntax. can set hsqldb use oracle syntax so: <changeset ... <sql dbms="hsqldb" >set da

Convert PHP MySQL Code to MySQLi -

i use code below login system on site. lot of programmers on other sites said code not safe in way, login system created huge. can't rebuild all, takes ages beginner programmer in php. <?php $destroy = false; require('connect.php'); session_start(); if (isset($_post['username']) , isset($_post['password'])){ $username = $_post['username']; $password = $_post['password']; $query = "select * `user` username='$username' , password='$password'"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $count = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($count == 1){ $_session['username'] = $username; }else{ header("location: index.php?login=invalid"); } } if (isset($_session['username'])){ $username = $_session['username']; include("inc/"); } else { if(isset($msg) & !empty($msg)){ echo $msg; } if(isset($_get["login"]) && $_get["l

javascript - Get mouse position relative to a zoomed out div -

what i'm looking accomplish position of mouse in relation zoomed out div matrix transform. see in fiddle below have red div width of 4000px , since it's zoomed out appears smaller said 4000px . should happen if click on intersecting lines in red div, relx should read (around) 2000 , rely should read around 325 . $(".crazywide").click(function(e){ var clickpos = $(this).offset(); var relx = e.pagex - clickpos.left; var rely = e.pagey -; //used display current click coords $(".debug").empty(); $(".debug").prepend("relx: " + relx + " rely: " + rely); }); fiddle the element shrunk factor of 0.12 in both directions. such, can calculate relative mouse click position dividing relx , rely 0.12 : $(".debug").prepend("relx: " + (relx / 0.12) + " rely: " + (rely / 0.12)); updated fiddle

css - How to correctly do this css3 animation? -

i have animate skip lorry. trying make skip move on lorry not happening correctly in way be. the live preview here . if you'll check out you'll understand i'm saying , trying do. i'm making changes in skew() , rotate() turns out bad job. index.html <!doctype html> <html> <title>animate lorry</title> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"> </head> <body> <div> <img class="sc" src="img/chain puller.png"/> </div> <div> <img class="animate" src="img/skip lorry.png"/> </div> <script src="//"></script> </body> </html> style.css body{ background-color: #000; } /*lorry*/ .animate { padding: 100px; padding-left:400px; width: 400px; height: 180px; position: relativ

android - How to show app icon in front of a contact associated with the App like whats app -

i want show app icon in contact book each contact associated app have followed , write own sync adapter whenever added contact associated app not show app icon in front of this here sync adapter package com.example.phonebook; import; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.hashmap; import com.example.phonebook.database.databasehelper; import; import android.r.string; import android.accounts.account; import android.accounts.operationcanceledexception; import; import android.content.abstractthreadedsyncadapter; import android.content.contentproviderclient; import android.content.contentprovideroperation; import android.content.contentresolver; import android.content.contenturis; import android.content.context; import android.content.intent; import android.content.syncresult; import android.database.cursor; import

machine learning - Object categories of pretrained imagenet model in caffe -

i'm using pretrained imagenet model provided along caffe (cnn) library ( 'bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel' ). can output 1000 dim vector of object scores images using model. don't know actual object categories are. did find file, corresponding object categories listed? you should file 'synset_words.txt' has 1000 line each line provides description of different class. for more information on how file (and others might need) can read this . if want labels ready-for-use in matlab, can read txt file cell array (a cell per class): c = textread('/path/to/synset_words.txt','%s','delimiter','\n');

c# 4.0 - Unable to convert this Pascal code to C# -

i don't know pascal , that's why asking. maybe it's created file , write there there pascal code program writefile; uses crt; var dur,ts,tv,n,vers,i : integer; x,filename : string[12]; f : file of integer; begin clrscr; write('variant='); readln(vers); write('number of works='); readln(n); str(vers,x); filename:='shed'+x+'.tab'; assign(f,filename); rewrite(f); i:=1 n begin writeln(i,'-th work:'); write('time of beginning='); readln(ts); write('during='); readln(dur); tv:=ts+dur; write(f,ts,dur,tv) end; close(f) end. i think that: static void main(string[] args) { console.clear(); //unnecessary console.write("variant="); int vers = int32.parse(console.readline()); console.write("number of works="); int n = int32.parse(console.readline()); string x = vers.tost

closures - ObjC block in swift -

can me rewrite code in swift [segmentedcontrol1 settitleformatter:^nsattributedstring *(hmsegmentedcontrol *segmentedcontrol, nsstring *title, nsuinteger index, bool selected) { nsattributedstring *attstring = [[nsattributedstring alloc] initwithstring:title attributes:@{nsforegroundcolorattributename : [uicolor bluecolor]}]; return attstring; }]; part of hmsegmentedcontrol class: @interface hmsegmentedcontrol : uicontrol .... @property (nonatomic, copy) hmtitleformatterblock titleformatter; .... @end typedef nsattributedstring *(^hmtitleformatterblock)(hmsegmentedcontrol *segmentedcontrol, nsstring *title, nsuinteger index, bool selected); my code is: segmentedcontrol1.titleformatter = {(segmentedcontrol: hmsegmentedcontrol, title: nsstring, index: int, selected: bool) -> nsattributedstring in } i error: "‘(hmsegmentedcontrol, nsstring, int, bool)->nsattributedstring’ not convertible ‘hmtitleformatterblock'" yo mix swift ,

What is the correct syntax for RavenDB Search method in F# -

i trying find posts in ravendb containing word (index there) here query works, finds starts 'liv' let post = query { post in session.query<mytype>() (post.text.startswith("liv")) select post } an attempt use string.contains() method condition of closure, throw notsupportedexception. here so trying use search method where: expression<func<t, object>> fieldselector, // expression marking field in terms should looked for. c# equivalent docs: list<user> users = session .query<user>("users/bynameandhobbies") .search(x =>, "adam") .search(x => x.hobbies, "sport") .tolist(); my first try go with let x = session.query<mytype>(index).search((fun xe -> xe.text ), "liv") but getting error because expects object out. tried downcast string object (what strange idea), getting: cannot understand how translate x => x.invoke(

sql server - T sql select int value as casting varchar -

this question has answer here: parameterize sql in clause 38 answers how pass table value parameters stored procedure .net code 4 answers i have stored procedured called getreport customers.branches_id int type however @branches parameter varchar @branches "10,13534,554,776,767" i want search 10,13534,554,776,767 in branches_id if cast/convert varchar not working me. alter procedure [dbo].[getreport] @fromdate datetime, @todate datetime, @branches varchar (500) = null begin set nocount on; select * customers (customers.createddate between @fromdate , @todate) , (@branches null or convert(varchar(500), customers.branches_id) in(@branches )) -- part not working me end how can solve problem how can search multiple comma varcvhar inside of int col

java - Map.lowerKey(Date) not working -

i'm writing application need read previous lower , next higher date. used reference here . map.lowerkey(date) every time return same request..(date) object. sample code: calendar c = calendar.getinstance(); treemap<date, string> treemap = new treemap<>(); (int = 0; < 5; i++) { treemap.put(c.gettime(), (i + 1) + ""); if(i == 3) c.add(, 2); // number of days add else c.add(, 1); // number of days add } c = calendar.getinstance(); c.add(, 1); system.out.println("c_time : "+ c.gettime() + ", l_time: " + treemap.lowerkey(c.gettime()) + ", g_time: " + treemap.higherkey(c.gettime())); in response giving: c_time : sat may 16 17:39:51 ist 2015, l_time: sat may 16 17:39:51 ist 2015, g_time: sun may 17 17:39:51 ist 2015 here higherkey value fine lowerkey ret

c# - Change mvc form validation error messages -

i trying change data-val-required attributes of form fields generic "required" appear. know can using following: @html.textboxfor(model =>, new { data_val_required ="required" }) but don't want "hard code" template that, prefer model use required attribute set on , override through js using this: $('input, select, textarea').each(function () { var element = $(this); if ('val-required')) {'val-required', 'required'); } }); i've run on document ready , checked data attributes have changed (which have) apparently happening late validation take note of it. need know when mvc binds it's form validation can run before or how change error messages clientside only. i've looked through source of page , can't see validate gets instantiated. for saying change required attribute or server side, don't want if have js disabled display

winforms - C# OPC Applications Identical Code, but work differently -

i developing c# custom opc client, started off writing in console app quickness, works want to. then decided make windows form application visual experience. the windows form application stops working, stops reading data opc server after around minute. console app keeps reading , reading. i can't find obvious in debug mode either. i absolutely clutching @ straws here , shed light. each application using .dll files provided opcfoundation. here console application static void main(string[] args) { opc.url url = new opc.url("opcda://localhost/rslinx opc server"); opc.da.server server = null; opccom.factory fact = new opccom.factory(); server = new opc.da.server(fact, null); server.connect(url, new opc.connectdata(new; // create group opc.da.subscription group; opc.da.subscriptionstate groupstate = new opc.da.subscription

java - Multiple try catch in a while loop -

hopeing can help. been trawling days , cant find solution. trying create while loop try / throw / catch exception handling, need catch multiple exceptions. i've tried can think of either doesn't come out loop or skips rest of code (not pasted here) , finishes program. scanner scanner = new scanner(; boolean notcorrectinput = false; howmanytoadd = 0; while (!notcorrectinput) { try { system.out.println("how many products add?"); howmanytoadd = scanner.nextint(); notcorrectinput = true; } catch (inputmismatchexception e){ system.err.println("you have not entered correct number format. please try again."); } try { if (howmanytoadd < 1) { throw new negativearraysizeexception(); } } catch (negativearraysizeexception e) { system.err.println("you have not entered possitive number. please try again."); } } seco

android - can we pass real time data of ble4.0 to next activity -

i trying use ble 4.0 data 1 activity other it's not working me because real time data. private void displaydata(string data) { if (data != null) { mdatafield.settext(data); } } i want use data next activity creating graphview @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main3); d1=(textview) findviewbyid(; intent intent = getintent(); string data1 = intent.getstringextra("data"); displaydata(data1); //intent gattserviceintent = new intent(this, rblservice.class); //bindservice(gattserviceintent, mserviceconnection, bind_auto_create); line.clear(); } instead of passing data between activities, have 1 activity, displaying several fragments: here google doc - building dynamic ui fragments and nice 3rd party book - creating dynamic ui android fragments . then put ble managing source code 1 , activity.

tsql - How to create a 'sanitized' copy of our SQL Server database? -

we're manufacturing company, , we've hired couple of data scientists patterns , correlation in our manufacturing data. want give them copy of our reporting database (sql 2014), must in 'sanitized' form. means table names converted 'table1', 'table2' etc., , column names in each table become 'column1', 'column2' etc. there 100 tables, having 30+ columns, , tables have 2b+ rows. i know there hard way this. manually create each table, sanitized table name , column names, , use ssis bulk insert rows 1 table another. rather time consuming , tedious because of manual ssis column mapping required, , manual setup of each table. i'm hoping has done before , has faster, more efficienct, way. by way, 'sanitized' database have no indexes or foreign keys. also, may seem make sense why want this, agreed our director of manufacturing , data scientists, first round of analysis involve many rounds. you want scrub data , obje

WiX: returning a value from exepackage -

i have been asked add function existing wix package. specifically, need run small c# application , return single int wix conditionally control further actions. can see exepackage help there exitcode , enumeration of success, error, schedulereboot or forcereboot. i have googled quite bit , wondering if missing point. can implement c# process internally within wix user provide information need, existing package has custom exepackages written in c# particular style, i'd stay if can. (the existing packages don't return needed values) can this, or need try , operate entirely within wix? for reference, 1 of existing packages looks this: <exepackage sourcefile="..." displayname="license key" installsize="0" permanent="yes" installcommand="/ignoreiflicensed" repaircommand="/ignore" uninstallcommand="/ignore" /> the reference <exepackage ...> implies want

ios - What's wrong with my auto layout constraints? -

here uiviewcontroller before press button (i didn't put there not relevant): when press button, uiview containing 2 uipickerview appear top. right under uiview 2 uibuttons. everthing works auto layout: here code when create constraints: let okbuttonheight: cgfloat = 53 let okbuttonwidth: cgfloat = 53 let leftpickerviewwidth: cgfloat = 80 let leftpickerviewheight: cgfloat = 200 let margin: cgfloat = 8 // frame let constraint0 = nslayoutconstraint(item: okbutton, attribute: .bottom, relatedby: .equal, toitem: self.view, attribute: .top, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) let constraint1 = nslayoutconstraint(item: frameview, attribute: .centerx, relatedby: .equal, toitem: view, attribute: .centerx, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) // left & right pickerviews let constraint2 = nslayoutconstraint(item: leftpickerview, attribute: .width, relatedby: .equal, toitem: rightpickerview, attribute: .width, multiplier: 1, constant: 0) let constraint3 = nslayoutconstraint(item: leftpicker

android - Bluetooth - Unable to connect to same device again, Bluetooth Chat Application -

i trying bluetooth chat application provided android tutorial @ . works fine consider case device , b connected. disconnect b , connect again. device b shows connected doesn't show connected. b shows message sent while doesn't display on screen. suggest why happening , possible solution (as couldn't find one). can't put codes since don't know @ side (a or b) problem exists.

ruby - Automating system level print dialog box -

i writing script automate save process webpage. basically there website on there button called preview . steps be: click on preview button,on pressing webpage appears data , @ bottom there print button. now click on print button, after print dialog box appears in mozilla firefox. after select pdf name(ie drop down in print dialog box) , click on ok button. now save dialog box appears,where need provide path save file , name of file. code require 'selenium-webdriver' require 'win32ole' require "au3" require 'rautomation' driver = selenium::webdriver.for:firefox driver.manage().window().maximize(); 'c:\users\js830363\documents\userdata\goi\new_sahi\ruby_final\demo2.html' wait = =>180) wait.until {driver.find_element(:id,'button1').click} #id of print button click //till here work fine.i print dialog box in firefox after have tried autoit: #wait window exist a

regex - Email validation- characters length before @ and before dot -

i use following regex pattern validating email address works fine, but need validate length of characters before @ , should not less 4 characters. same rule should put length of characters after @ , before dot . . for example, email address not valid: a@b.c however, 1 should valid: how can it? here current attempt: <ui:define name="validation-tag"> <f:validateregex pattern="([\w\.-]*[a-za-z0-9_]@[\w\.-]*[a-za-z0-9]\.[a-za-z][a-za-z\.]*[a-za-z])*" for="contactemailaddress" /> </ui:define> we can impose length restrictions using positive look-aheads anchors. ^(?=[^@]{4,}@)([\w\.-]*[a-za-z0-9_]@(?=.{4,}\.[^.]*$)[\w\.-]*[a-za-z0-9]\.[a-za-z][a-za-z\.]*[a-za-z])$ the ^ , $ make string match @ start , end, (?=[^@]{4,}@) make sure have @ least 4 characters before first @ , , (?=.{4,}\.[^.]*$) make sure part before last . @ least 4 symbols long. see demo

java - Is this program already a parser? -

i've written program reads in java file including comments , outputs file without comments. i consider both line comments // , block comments /* */ . however, use files don't contain these 4 characters in other way: no string literals , no unicode escape sequences. works files use these characters exclusively comments. can programme called parser? grammar (either // , or /* , , */ ) regular, right? i using switch case statements, i.e. implementing finite state machine. there's no tree built , no stack. thought program parser when deals context free languages , @ least has stack, i.e. implements pushdown automaton. have feeling term parser used rather freely. to clarify: i'm not looking ways programme work java file, i'm interested in correct terminology. no, removal of comments java code involves regular expression (a finite state automaton) , can't called "parser".... dfa (deterministic finite automaton) important component in pro

Selenium IDE: How to Upload Excel sheet available at Google drive shared location -

i'm stuck @ 1 point per 1 of current going project. need access & upload excel sheet , available @ google drive shared public. tried access shared link didn't work me. how can this? google drive share location path file name: st_buyer.xlsx you can open file shown below

c# - SQL Server Format-Preserving encryption -

i have old system database has table column of type char(20) , customer decided encrypt column business needs system integration needs length of output column similar input 20 , have read format-preserving encryption my question is, format-preserving encryption strong aes methods , there sql server implementations yet can used large number of records millions? you can build secure format-preserving encryption based on aes. here answer different question, show code implements format-preserving encryption using aes building block. see this lecture on format-preserving encryption professor boneh of stanford university details on how can done.

javascript - Embedding an external website -

i used object -tag embed external website link. works fine on websites. not working. limitations? i want result code below. which kind of approach should use this? tried iframe , jquery well. <object data= width="100%" height="100%"> <embed src= width="100%" height="100%"> </embed></object>

delphi - how do i align a tpanel to a very bottom of listview item -

what try same image thing have tried := listview1.items[i].position.y; but didnt success trick , there possibly way aligned tpanel @ bottom of items actual code added procedure ttestthreading.streamclick(sender: tobject); var i, r: integer; begin if stream.caption = 'stream' begin := 0 listview1.items.count - 1 if listview1.items[i].subitems[3] = inttostr(uniqueid) begin r := listview1.items[i].index; := listview1.items[i].position.y; end; exchangeitems(listview1, r, 0); stream.caption := 'stopstream'; panel2.visible := true; // start stream end else if stream.caption = 'stopstream' begin exchangeitems(listview1, r, 0); stream.caption := 'stream'; panel2.visible := false; // stopstream end; end; if check documentation see tlistitem.position wor

jquery - Making background image responsive in CSS -

i trying create responsive website scratch without using frameworks bootstrap. had banner in website had set background image follows <body> <div id="pagewrap"> <div class="test"> <div class="headers"> <div class="logo"> <a href="#"><img src="images/logo.png" alt="site logo"/></a> </div><!--logo--> <div class="nav"></div><!--nav--> <div class="slider_content"></div><!--slider_content--> </div><!--header--> </div> </div><!--pagewrap--> </body> .headers { background-image:url(images/banner.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:cover; background-position:center; width:100%; } when apply height div

How to select a single checkbox while disabling clickable option in other checkbox if i have two checkboxes in android? -

i have 2 checkboxes yes or no options.i have select 1 option while disabling clickable option of other checkbox. opp11 , op12 2 checkboxes.the following code seems work if have around 20 checkbox there method shorten code can pass 2 options 1 set onchanged listner , other disable clickable option. op11.setoncheckedchangelistener(new compoundbutton.oncheckedchangelistener(){ @override public void oncheckedchanged(compoundbutton buttonview, boolean ischecked) { if(ischecked){ op12.setchecked(false); // code display message. } } });

python - TypeError: method() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given) -

this question has answer here: function() takes 2 arguments (3 given) [duplicate] 1 answer here code: class child(object): def chunks(l, n): """ yield successive n-sized chunks l. """ in xrange(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i+n] k= range(1, 10) print k print child().chunks(k,2) when execute code, python throws following error: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] traceback (most recent call last): file "/home/", line 19, in print child().chunks(k,2) typeerror: chunks() takes 2 arguments (3 given) please find snippet ! instance method : instance method : method defined inside class , belongs current instance of class. define chunks method instance method in class. e.d class child(object): def chunks(self, l, n): # ^^^

Cordova Android project doesn't compile -

cordova version: 4.3.0 java version "1.8.0_40" 64bit os x 10.10.2 ant version: 1.9.4 target android sdk i'm using 19. when run 'ant release' in platforms/android/cordovalib folder following output error: buildfile: .../platforms/android/cordovalib/build.xml -set-mode-check: -set-release-mode: -release-obfuscation-check: [echo] proguard.config ${proguard.config} -pre-build: -check-env: [checkenv] android sdk tools revision 24.1.2 [checkenv] installed @ /users/.../library/android/sdk -setup: [echo] project name: mainactivity [gettype] project type: android library -build-setup: [getbuildtools] using latest build tools: 21.1.2 [echo] resolving build target mainactivity... [gettarget] project target: android 4.4.2 [gettarget] api level: 19 [echo] ---------- [echo] creating output directories if needed... [mkdir] created dir: .../platforms/android/cordovalib/bin/rsobj [mkdir] created dir: .../platfo

javascript - How to write proper algorithem serialize this special format of json data? -

i have csv file, looks this: photosum,annee,mois 2732,2002,1 1030,2002,2 1661,2002,7 1450,2002,3 1308,2002,4 2131,2002,5 2891,2002,6 2748,2002,8 2140,2002,9 1499,2002,10 1211,2002,11 1398,2002,12 5376,2003,1 2780,2003,2 1927,2003,3 2266,2003,4 3670,2003,5 4071,2003,6 4764,2003,7 5261,2003,8 i want make csv file json data serialization this: the annual data monthly sort { "2002": [ 1, //january 22, //february 33, 44, 345, 45, 232, 43423, 324324, 324324, 324324, 6556 ], "2003": [ 3.5, 4, 4.3, 6.6, 11.7, 13.2, 16.2, 16.5, 12.7, 8.4, 5, 5.3 ] } i trying use javascript convert csv json , write many kinds o

jquery - Linking an ios app from Veeva iRep slide on an iPad -

i want link app button veeva irep slide. have app url in format this using jquery, trying link app button. $('#b1').on('click',function(){ window.location = "irep://"; }); as per veeva documentation, have tried out $('#b1').on('click',function(){ window.location = "veeva://"; }); also have tried out this, i'm not sure this. $('.app_test3').on('click',function(){ window.location = "appname://"; }); please note, app not installed on ipad. work? need guidance on one. the app needs installed , have url scheme registered, e.g. appb provide links appb://some/deep/link . then can use scheme in app link app b, opened (if it's installed). link passed app b can take appropriate actions. another thing can link itunes store. open app store app showing app linked not directly open it, if it's installed.

.net - loading C++/CLI assembly from c# -

i'm writing c++/cli rcw around set of proprietary com-objects use c#-application, when deploy rcw , c#-application filenotfound error. after did simplest thing possible: a .net class library written c++/cli (vs2012), no code added default implementation. a c# windows forms application, solution , project set target x86. reference added c++/cli class library button form in c# appilcation , crete instance of class1 c++/cli library. the error still same; in detail: see end of message details on invoking just-in-time (jit) debugging instead of dialog box. ************** exception text ************** not load file or assembly 'classlibrarytest.dll' or 1 of dependencies. specified module not found. file name: 'classlibrarytest.dll' @ system.reflection.runtimeassembly._nload(assemblyname filename, string codebase, evidence assemblysecurity, runtimeassembly locationhint, stackcrawlmark& stackmark, intptr pprivhostbinde